Sunrise in Kalispell

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Member Survey

We want to hear from you, our members. Being a Cooperative means that Fla thead Electric is a not-for-profit entity owned by the members we serve. It also means that we are genuinely interested in hearing feedback from our members. We appreciate all the feedback we’ve received over the years. Positive and negative alike, […]

Steve Streich
Current Term: 2023-2025 Appointed by FEC Board of Trustees to complete an unexpired term in 2021. First elected in 2022 to continue serving. For the last 30 years, Steve has owned and operated Streich & Associates, a three-generation Montana seed potato farm [...]

What Are the Benefits?
Save Energy & Money Install a ductless Heat Pump and use 25% to 50% less energy to heat your home. Have a More Comfortable Home An ultra-quiet fan evenly circulates air throughout the room(s) eliminating hot and cold spots. Low-Cost Easy Installation Installation is quick, [...]

How is power restoration prioritized?
FEC energizes just shy of 65,000 meters along the almost 5,000 miles of line it has on the system. That’s a lot of folks and a lot of ground to cover. The main goal is to restore power safely to [...]

Public Service Announcement from Flathead Electric Cooperative
Early this morning, Flathead Electric Cooperative’s (FEC) wholesale power provider, the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), made FEC aware of an emergency shut down of one of their main delivery into FEC’s system which caused power outages across Lake Blaine, Many Lakes, and the Echo Lake areas.

Stoltze Biomass Facility
Implementation of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between Flathead Electric Co-op and F.H. Stoltze Land & Lumber Company began in 2013.