Not everyone who wants solar panels can have them — some members rent their homes and cannot add solar, while others don’t have an opportune site for solar panels to generate energy. In 2015, your Co-op developed the area’s first community solar project, allowing any member to own locally-sited solar generation. A second project followed in 2018.

Community Solar Illustration


How does community solar work?

  1. Co-op members purchase panels in the Community Solar project. (Or, in the case of Community Solar Phase III, members purchased the generation output of each panel.)
  2. The sun creates energy, which is captured by solar panels.
  3. Energy is transferred to Flathead Electric Cooperative’s distribution system.
  4. Participating members receive bill credits for the energy generated by their portion of the project.

Interested in Community Solar?

The Co-op has already completed two community solar projects and will soon build Community Solar III in partnership with the City of Whitefish.

Community Solar Phase III — Sold Out!

Community Solar Phase III went on sale on May 1st, 2024, and sold out May 21.

If you’d like to be put on a waiting list for future community solar projects, please sign up using the link below.

Put me on the waiting list!

More About Community Solar