How to Vote

Voting for the 2025 election opens Friday, April 18th, 2025.

You can vote electronically or by mail.

3 ways to vote electronically

Voting electronically saves paper and money! The electronic election will open  April 18, 2025 at 8 a.m.  Any member can choose to vote electronically (regardless of whether you opted out of your paper ballot or not) by using one of the following methods.

(Only one vote per member will count. If more than one vote is received, both votes will be invalidated. Do not vote online if you plan to mail your ballot.)

1. Emailed Ballot – if you have an email address associated with your online account, you received an email with a direct link to your ballot on April 18, 2025 from “FEC Election Coordinator.”  This link will is to you and will not require a login or password.

2. My Co-op App – when you log into your My Co-op app, you will see a “Vote Now” button when the election is open. Since you are logged into your app, you will not be required to provide any credentials to access your ballot and vote.

Download the App

3. Your Co-op’s Website – you can access your ballot via our third-party vendor. To vote, you will need to prove your identity by providing your member number and an election passcode. The election passcode can be found on your paper ballot or email.

Vote Now via

Paper Ballot

Paper ballots will start hitting mailboxes around April 18, 2025 (following the Annual Meeting).

Unless you have opted out of receiving a paper ballot  prior to March 3, 2025, you will receive a mailed ballot.

  • Mark your selections by completely filling in the box next to your choice.
  • Do not mail to the Flathead Electric offices.
  • Detach and place in the enclosed return envelope. Mail to Survey & Ballot Systems, 7653 Anangram Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. Envelopes must be received no later than May 16, 2025. Please allow sufficient time for delivery.

The election closes on May 16, 2025. Paper ballots must have been received by this date, and electronic voting closed at 11 a.m. that day.


Why Vote?

Flathead Electric Co-op members are owners of their electric cooperative. You have the power to elect your Co-op Board of Trustees who set the rates and make the policies.

How many candidates can I vote for?

For each position that is open, members may vote for one candidate.

Members can vote in every election for all districts regardless of their home district.