You Have More Energy Choices Than Ever Before

As your Co-op, our goal is to be your trusted energy advisor. Flathead Electric Cooperative wants to provide information to help you, our member-owners, make the best decisions and investments to power your home and business.

Our energy advisors are available to assist you with your electricity needs. Whether you are considering solar panels, a backup generator, or purchasing an electric vehicle, call us first. Your Co-op is here to serve as a resource and can provide valuable information on rates, insights on your energy consumption, system sizing recommendations, safety considerations, and more.

Energy Efficiency & Rebate Programs

Save energy—and money—by adopting energy conservation habits, weatherizing, and installing energy efficient equipment in your home or business. Our team can help you identify where you may be losing energy and how to proceed with upgrades. We can even help you get rebates or low-interest loans for efficiency projects that help you use less electricity.

Residential Rebate Programs
Commercial Rebate Programs
Find an Approved Installer
Engineers, Architects & Contractors

Understanding Your Electricity Usage

Learn how to monitor your usage through your account. Learn more about peak demand hours, demand rates, and how to reduce your demand during peak times to save money on your electric bill. Discover ways to conserve energy and save money in your home or business.

Monitor Usage Through Your Account
Understanding Demand
Energy Conservation – Ways to Save
Typical Appliance Wattage (PDF)

Your Electricity Choices

Backup & Standby Generators

Backup generators are the first line of defense in keeping your home or business online in the event of a power outage. FEC works with our members to ensure generators are sized appropriately and installed safely in your home or business.

Backup & Standby Generators

Electric Vehicle (EV) Resources

Thinking of purchasing an EV or installing an EV charger at your home or business? We have resources for you.

Electric Vehicles

Solar, Wind & Batteries

Learn about your Co-op’s community solar projects, work with us on a rooftop solar or battery projects for your home or business, and find out about your Co-op’s Renewable Energy Program.

Solar, Wind & Batteries