Flathead Electric Cooperative produces an annual calendar featuring photos of our area taken by Co-op members. Calendars are available for members at Co-op offices each November.
Photos submitted should depict wildlife, scenery, people, activities, or anything that represents our unique lifestyle and special corner of Northwest Montana. Members featured in the calendar receive $25. Their name is used wherever the Co-op uses the photo, which is typically in the calendar, on the Co-op’s Facebook page as the monthly header photo, and in the Light Reading monthly newsletter.
Photo Submission Requirements
We accept members’ photo submissions online from July 1 through August 31 each year.
To enter, you must be a member of the Co-op and a nonprofessional photographer. Each member may submit up to 6 photos for consideration. Please do not submit more than 6 photos as they will be disqualified from consideration.
Photo(s) must be:
- High resolution (300 ppi)
- Horizontal format
Photo Orientation
Since our calendar is in a horizontal format, we cannot accept photos in vertical orientation. Please crop your photos to a horizontal orientation before submitting.
Panoramic Photos
As you can see below, a panoramic photo is too wide for the entire image to fit in the calendar image frame, and we don’t want to exclude any part of your beautiful photo! Please crop any panoramic image to your favorite composition before submitting.
Uploading Photos from Facebook
It is best to find the original image on your device instead of submitting a photo you’ve already uploaded to Facebook. Facebook compresses images when they are uploaded, so it will no longer be high enough quality to print in the calendar and will be excluded from the competition.
Photo submissions are accepted July 1 through August 31 each year. Members may submit up to 6 images.
Submit Your Photo