Montana Cooperatives Push Bill to Protect utilities from Wildfire Liability
Good News on Federal "Old-Growth Rule"
Good News on Federal "Old-Growth Rule"
A coalition of organizations representing Pacific Northwest electric cooperatives are calling on the U.S. government to withdraw its December 18th decision to initiate a new supplemental environmental impact statement for the Columbia River System.
Grant funds will go towards project to work in the Essex area, improving the reliability of its radial electric distribution system in a heavily forested area that is frequently challenged by tree-caused power outages which have the potential to ignite a wildfire.
Opportunities are available for interested landowners to be assisted with property assessments and creation of defensible space around structures.
Flathead Electric joins the Montana Wood Products Association
FEC joins NWPPA Comments on proposed Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Trees interfering with power lines can cause wildfires. Learn how you can help!
Your Co-op manages vegetation year-round as part of our Wildfire Mitigation Plan.
It's not as far-fetched as it may seem! Learn how to stay safe if you happen to find yourself in this unfortunate and life-threatening situation.
Winter storms can cause power outages. Here's some things to think about as you prepare for winter storm outages.