Where Does Your Electricity Come From?

While many utilities struggle to find a clean, reliable, and affordable power supply, Flathead Electric Cooperative’s members in Northwest Montana enjoy the benefits of hydropower generated by the Federal Columbia River Power System through the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). As a result of being served primarily by hydropower, we have one of the least carbon-intensive electric grids, and our members enjoy some of the most affordable electric rates in the country.

As a member of the Co-op, doesn’t it feel good to know that almost all of your energy comes from a renewable and completely carbon-free resource? Learn more about Your Co-op’s Hydropower Advantage.

Where Does Electricity in Northwest Montana Come From?

Our resource mix changes year to year due to ever-changing market and environmental factors. We are a hydro-powered co-op, and that is reflected in these numbers. Click through the tabs below to see how the mix has changed from year to year.

View by Year

This historical data is from Flathead Electric Co-op’s service territory excluding our border properties of Cooke City and Elk Basin, which are served by a different fuel mix and geographically removed from our main service area, based in Kalispell, Montana, by over 400 miles. Numbers are calculated once a calendar year is complete and updated on an annual basis, which is why the most recent data is from 2023. Please reach out to your Co-op via the contact block below if you’re looking for Global Warming Potential (GWP) for the purpose of doing business with other states that require it.

This historical data is from Flathead Electric Co-op’s service territory excluding our border properties of Cooke City and Elk Basin, which are served by a different fuel mix and geographically removed from our main service area, based in Kalispell, Montana, by over 400 miles. Numbers are calculated once a calendar year is complete and updated on an annual basis, which is why the most recent data is from 2023. Please reach out to your Co-op via the contact block below if you’re looking for Global Warming Potential (GWP) for the purpose of doing business with other states that require it.

This historical data is from Flathead Electric Co-op’s service territory excluding our border properties of Cooke City and Elk Basin, which are served by a different fuel mix and geographically removed from our main service area, based in Kalispell, Montana, by over 400 miles. Numbers are calculated once a calendar year is complete and updated on an annual basis, which is why the most recent data is from 2023. Please reach out to your Co-op via the contact block below if you’re looking for Global Warming Potential (GWP) for the purpose of doing business with other states that require it.

This historical data is from Flathead Electric Co-op’s service territory excluding our border properties of Cooke City and Elk Basin, which are served by a different fuel mix and geographically removed from our main service area, based in Kalispell, Montana, by over 400 miles. Numbers are calculated once a calendar year is complete and updated on an annual basis, which is why the most recent data is from 2023. Please reach out to your Co-op via the contact block below if you’re looking for Global Warming Potential (GWP) for the purpose of doing business with other states that require it.

This historical data is from Flathead Electric Co-op’s service territory excluding our border properties of Cooke City and Elk Basin, which are served by a different fuel mix and geographically removed from our main service area, based in Kalispell, Montana, by over 400 miles. Numbers are calculated once a calendar year is complete and updated on an annual basis, which is why the most recent data is from 2023. Please reach out to your Co-op via the contact block below if you’re looking for Global Warming Potential (GWP) for the purpose of doing business with other states that require it.

This historical data is from Flathead Electric Co-op’s service territory excluding our border properties of Cooke City and Elk Basin, which are served by a different fuel mix and geographically removed from our main service area, based in Kalispell, Montana, by over 400 miles. Numbers are calculated once a calendar year is complete and updated on an annual basis, which is why the most recent data is from 2023. Please reach out to your Co-op via the contact block below if you’re looking for Global Warming Potential (GWP) for the purpose of doing business with other states that require it.

Local Power Sources

While most of our power comes from large federal hydro projects, your Co-op also leverages several innovative and local power sources to electrify our service area.

For example, did you know that your garbage helps to power your home through our Landfill Gas-to-Energy Plant?

Or that Stoltze Land & Lumber Co. generates electricity for the grid through biomass?

Landfill Gas-to-Energy Plant
Community Solar
Stoltze Biomass Facility
Whitefish Hydro
Libby Hydro

The Power We Don’t Have To Purchase

Energy efficiency means using less energy to get the same job done. Just like using less energy in your home equates to a lower electric bill, the energy efficiency projects we help our members with keep the Co-op from having to purchase that electricity. In 2022, Flathead Electric Cooperative members saved enough energy – 4,105 megawatt hours (MWhrs) – through efficiency efforts to energize 768 average-use homes for a year.

Peak Demand Response

A growing consideration in how your Co-op purchases power is how we plan to meet periods of peak demand. Power purchased during peak hours (when everyone is using electricity at the same time) is costly for the Co-op, and as a not-for profit electric co-op, those costs are passed onto our members through demand rates. Learn more about demand and how to reduce your demand during peak times to keep power costs more affordable at Demand.

Global Warming Potential (GWP)

The state of Montana doesn’t require us to post our Global Warming Potential (GWP), but we understand that some entities need that information to do business in other states. Our carbon-free hydropower resources provide major benefits from a GWP perspective, but your actual GWP depends on several factors such as your business location and electric load. Please reach out directly if you need that information.

Ways We Provide Power