Ductless Heat Pumps

  • For homes without ducts, air-source heat pumps are also available in a ductless version 
  • Easily installed as a new primary heat source for electrically heated homes 
  • They require only a 3-inch opening in the wall or ceiling
  • Installation is as simple as mounting the indoor and outdoor units, connecting the refrigerant lines, and making a few electrical connections 


  • Save Energy & Money: Install a ductless Heat Pump and use 25% to 50% less energy to heat your home. 
  • Have a More Comfortable Home: An ultra-quiet fan evenly circulates air throughout the room(s) eliminating hot and cold spots. 
  • Low-Cost Easy Installation: Installation is quick, simple and inexpensive, which means little or no disruption to your home. 
  • Get Air Conditioning: Systems come standard with air conditioning, so you can get rid of those window units!
  • Get a loan to help pay for this upgrade: If you qualify, Flathead Electric will provide 3% fixed interest financing to help you upgrade! 
  • Rebates: Check out the table below to determine your rebate.


You can potentially qualify for rebates if you:  

  • Have a single-family home with permanently installed electric resistance heat as the primary heating system
  • Find a preferred installer from our approved installer list

A qualifying home cannot: 

  • Have an oil/propane/gas/wood/pellet furnace 
  • Have a ducted air source heat pump 

How Much Will My Rebate Be?

If You Have… Your Rebate Will Be…
Electric resistance heat (e.g. baseboards, cadet heaters) as your primary heat source $800
Electric forced air furnace $800
An existing ducted air source heat pump $0
Any non-electric furnace $0
Ductless heat pump $0
Ground source heat pump (upgrade) $0
New construction New construction is not eligible.

Questions? Call Us First!

Your Energy Advisors are here to help. Give us a call if you have questions on this web form or any of the qualifications for rebates.

Apply for a Rebate

Complete the following form to apply for your rebate. Note: if the homeowner and account holder are different parties, both must be available to e-sign this rebate form.

Prefer a paper copy of this form? Heat Pump Rebate Form (PDF)