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Take Action to Protect Our Power
The future of your reliable, affordable, and carbon-free electricity is at stake.

My Bill Explained

Watch a 3 -minute video, or scroll down for descriptions of the different parts of your bill and what they mean. Billing Summary This box shows information about your account including the amount of your last bill, current charges, and any credits you have on your bill. Credits Credits are shown in this block […]

Why does the Cooperative need my Social Security or Federal ID number?
All utilities are mandated by the federal government to require a credit check through your Social Security number. This soft utility credit report does not affect your credit score, but will help us determine if a deposit is required. Additionally, FEC [...]

Co-op Connection – Meet Collin Novotny
Get to know the people working for you. Meet Collin Novotny, Geographic Information System (GIS) Supervisor

Jerry Bygren
Current Term: 2023-2026 |Β First elected in 2017 Jerry was raised on a farm in Wyoming and attended high school in Laurel, MT. He received a BS in Business Administration/Accounting from the University of Montana and resides in Bigfork. After 41 years, [...]

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month
At Flathead Electric Cooperative, every day is cybersecurity day, as we work to protect the integrity of the electric grid and our members’ information.

Human Resources
As an Equal Opportunity Employer, Flathead Electric Cooperative is committed to hiring the top talent to serve as a team member. We will provide a reasonable accommodation to any person with a disability that is seeking employment with the Cooperative. [...]