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Monitor Usage Through Your Account

[…] be contributing to an abnormally high bill, or learn how you can shift your electric load to avoid a high demand charge. Watch these videos for an overview of SmartHub’s usage explorer, and how you can use it to answer some of your common energy questions. Usage Explorer Overview Coming soon! Why is My […]

What Your Co-op is Reading | May 2024
Top-of-mind this month is the region's low-snowpack year. Why is this important? The bulk of your electricity comes from hydroelectric dams in the Columbia River Basin. Read on to learn more.

Roundup for Safety Assists with Continued Abbie Shelter Safety
At a February 9 meeting, Flathead Electric Cooperative’s Roundup for Safety directors awarded a total of $36,311 in support of area nonprofit community safety projects.

Manufactured Homes

Fla thead Electric Cooperative offers the following incentives on new electrically heated Northwest Energy Efficient Manufactured (NEEM) homes sited in our service territory. $1200 Homeowner Rebate Payable to NEEM manufactured home buyers who site a new electrically heated NEEM home in our service territory. Payable after the home has been set-up and verified by […]

Is there an outage text messaging service I can sign up for, proactively?
As of June 2023, your Co-op will text you automatically if our system data shows a power outage at your location! Your cell number just needs to be current in our database. Learn more at [...]

Hydropower Advantage

Hydropower is a major component of how we meet electrical demand in the Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and western Montana). As a result, we have one of the least carbon-intensive electric grids and some of the most affordable electric rates in the entire country. Advantages of Hydropower Hydropower has virtually no carbon footprint. […]

Winter is coming. Are you ready?
Your Co-op wants you to be prepared for winter storm outages, which are a reality of living in Northwest Montana.