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Hungry Horse Dam
Celebrating 70 years of hydroelectric generation — or is it 71?

Roundup Report April 2023
Roundup for Safety Supports Continued Safety at the Abbie Shelter

What’s compelling the evolution of EVs?
Good old American innovation. As more batteries are produced and used, economies of scale drive costs down. EV’s have one-tenth the number of moving parts, so they’re more like a computer than a gas powered car. Word of mouth is [...]

Why isn’t my power on 100% of the time?
In a perfect world (and with constant cooperation from Mother Nature), Flathead Electric Cooperative could provide power 24/7 without interruption. In reality, we come pretty close. Your Co-op typically has an “up time” of over 99% -- staff is proud [...]

Systems for Your Home or Business

[…] storage, or to discuss a potential interconnection generation, get in touch with us. Ashley Keltner Distributed Energy Specialist Community Relations 406-751-4478 Email Ashley Additional Information on Renewable Energy: Montana Renewables Montana DEQ – Renewable Energy National Renewable Energy Lab American Wind Energy Association National Center for Appropriate Technology 406-751-4478 Email Ashley Solar panels Ashley Keltner

Cassidy’s Experience
Cassidy Norick reflects on her experience during the 2018 Washington D.C Youth Tour.

How long does it take to restore power after an outage?
It depends: Removing a branch from a power line is usually relatively simple and quick. Replacing a broken power pole or digging up buried cable to find and repair a fault is a much longer process. Outages can last from [...]