Cassidy Norick reflects on her experience during the 2018 Washington D.C Youth Tour.

I have always heard about how the NRECA Washington Youth Tour trip is a trip of a lifetime. I never fully understood what people meant by that until I was able to go on this trip. This trip was full of learning experiences, along with a ton of fun. I had heard all about this trip and wonders it held from my brother, but when I was on this trip I realized that it was even better than his stories.
I enjoyed traveling with a big group, riding on buses, and keeping track of my own money and passes. On this trip I was responsible for myself and treated like an adult. In small groups we used maps to find our way to different Smithsonian museums and other memorials.
I was amazed to actually see the history and understand the stories behind the memorials. I think my favorite monument was the Martin Luther King Jr statue. I learned the story behind why the statue wasn’t finished is the sculptor wouldn’t finish it until racism was gone from America. The statue is still unfinished. Myself and many others felt the powerful message as we stood below the statue. We know that change can happen in this world if we are just patient and if we don’t give up. The monuments hold so much history and power. Being there in person cannot compare to just reading about it.
“Going to D.C was truly a once and a lifetime trip and I am very grateful for being able to go. The experiences, memories, and friends that I made will never be forgotten. I know I have come back a more knowledgeable, understanding person who is willing to stand up and make a difference.”