
Transformer Updates

March 3, 2023

We continue to receive small shipments of transformers and continue to make progress on our waitlist. Here are the latest numbers:

Current Snapshot: Single Phase Padmount Transformers

The numbers below provide a current snapshot of our waitlist and associated wait times for non-subdivision jobs. These numbers are a moving target with jobs constantly being completed, new jobs being added to the list, and shifting inventory levels.

  • Jobs (requiring transformers) built since January 2023:
    • Total jobs built: 88
    • Average wait time: 74 days*
  • Total jobs ready to be built, waiting for transformers: 82
  • Longest wait on current list: 162 days*
    • **Transformers on order (not yet received) since December 2021: 1,438
      Transformers received since December 2021: 553

*Wait times vary depending on the job type, size of transformer needed, and current inventory. Some jobs are further delayed due to weather and not inventory issues.

February 17, 2023

Last week was one of our most encouraging weeks this year in terms of inventory levels. FEC received shipments with 114 padmount transformers. One shipment represented partial delivery of an order we have been waiting for since December 2021. This will allow us to make some significant progress on the jobs currently waiting for transformers.

Current Snapshot: 7200 Single Phase Padmount Transformers:

The numbers below provide a current snapshot of our wait list and associated wait times for non-subdivision jobs. These numbers are a moving target with jobs constantly being completed, new jobs being added to the list, and shifting inventory levels.

  • Jobs (requiring transformers) built since January 2023:
    • Total jobs built: 57 (20 so far in February)
    • Average wait time: 79 days*
    • Longest wait time for built job: 112 days*
  • Total jobs waiting for transformers: 85
    • Longest wait on current list: 148 days*
  • Transformers on order (not yet received) since December 2021: 1,342
    • Transformers received since December 2021: 482

*Wait times vary depending on the job type, size of transformer needed, and current inventory.