
EV Charging Assistant FAQs

What if I have an emergency and need to charge my vehicle during Peak Hours?

That’s totally okay! You have full control to override the program. You simply take a “strike” each time you override the EV Charging Assistant. After 3 “strikes” in one month, you will not be eligible for that month’s drawing for free electricity. But not to worry! You can try again next month.

Is the EV Charging Assistant a phone app?

Not exactly. The Bidgely platform is a web-based application, so you use it via your phone or web browser, but it is not an app that you download from the app store. Participants in the program will receive emails from Bidgely to assist them with setting up their vehicles for the program.  

I filled out the form, when do I get the EV Charging Assistant?

Thanks for filling out our form expressing your interest in this program. You’re not registered just yet – we still need to verify your eligibility. The EV Charging Assistant program is currently limited to 100 members. Once you’ve applied, you will hear from us via the phone number or email that you provided. The program does not begin until October 1, 2023. 

Why is the Co-op spending member dollars to incentivize EV owners?

Our area’s electrical grid benefits when any member (not just an EV-owning member) shifts their demand for electricity to off-peak demand hours. That’s because when the Co-op purchases power from its wholesale power provider (Bonneville Power Administration) during peak demand hours, it pays more than it would during off-peak hours. The EV Charging Assistant program supports the goal of keeping electric rates affordable by purchasing less power overall during peak demand hours, benefiting the entirety of the Co-op.