Sunrise in Kalispell

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How long does it take to restore power after an outage?
It depends: Removing a branch from a power line is usually relatively simple and quick. Replacing a broken power pole or digging up buried cable to find and repair a fault is a much longer process. Outages can last from [...]

Flathead Electric Cooperative Celebrates Kila Student’s Statewide Win
Flathead Electric Cooperative is pleased to announce that a Kila fourth grader won third place in Energy Share of Montana’s statewide art contest. An award ceremony was held at Kila School honoring Kannin Crawford on February 24.

North Valley SAR receives Roundup for Safety grant
Each month, Flathead Electric Co-op's Roundup for Safety program helps to fund community safety projects in members' communities. Read about June 2023's grants here.

How is power outage restoration prioritized?
Our #1 goal is to safely restore power to the greatest number of members in the shortest time possible.  To accomplish that, prioritization looks like this: Transmission lines receive first priority. This is because they supply power to substations, which [...]

Roundup for Safety Receives Community Partnership Award
The voluntary program for Flathead Electric Cooperative members who choose to support community safety projects was honored on June 21, 2023.

Safety First Video: Car Vs. Pole
It's not as far-fetched as it may seem! Learn how to stay safe if you happen to find yourself in this unfortunate and life-threatening situation.

Commercial EV Charging

There are many reasons why you might be looking into an electric vehicle charger for your business’ location. You have many options, too: various types, sizes, and voltage levels offer different charging speeds for assorted electric vehicles. If you’re considering installing a commercial EV charger, we want you to call your Co-op first […]

Will we have another power outage? What can I do to prepare?
Yes. Outages are a reality of living in Northwest Montana. Your Co-op wants you to take time to make a plan for your situation. Some members have animals to care for. Others have children or health-compromised individuals depending on them. [...]

Roundup for Safety Funds Orange Safety Vests for Hunter ED Grads
At a March 9 meeting, Flathead Electric Cooperative’s Roundup for Safety Directors awarded $30,539 to 7 area nonprofits, including Flathead Wildlife, Inc., a fish and wildlife sportsman group made up of men, women, and youth from the Flathead area.