Flathead Electric Cooperative is pleased to announce that a Kila fourth grader won third place in Energy Share of Montana’s statewide art contest. An award ceremony was held at Kila School honoring Kannin Crawford on February 24.

Flathead Electric Cooperative is pleased to announce that a Kila fourth grader won third place in Energy Share of Montana’s statewide art contest. An award ceremony was held at Kila School honoring Kannin Crawford on February 24.
Teresa Miller, Energy Share Board member and Member Services Manager for Flathead Electric Cooperative, and Mary Olson, Capital Credits and Energy Assistance Administrator for the Co-op, presented Kannin with a $25 check from Energy Share. Flathead Electric Co-op also brought pizza to Kannin’s class as a “congratulations” for all their fine artwork.

Using the medium of art, Kannin’s teacher, Tika Counts, taught her students about our Montana neighbors who sometimes need a little help keeping warm in the winter. Per Energy Share’s contest guidelines, the drawings by her students depict what Energy Share means to them. Ms. Counts, received a $25.00 Amazon gift card for classroom supplies.
The art contest is part of Energy Share’s efforts to educate the public on the energy needs of Montanans across the state. Donations from individuals and businesses, including Flathead Electric Cooperative, allow Energy Share to help Montanans who encounter temporary financial difficulties and face emergency, no-heat situations. During the last two heating seasons, Energy Share worked with Community Action Partnership of NW Montana (CAPNM) to help nearly 200 families in Flathead, Lake, Lincoln and Sanders Counties. Statewide, Energy Share helped 4,491 families during this same time period.
If you or someone you know would like more information on how to apply for these programs, or how to help support them, please call CAPNM in Kalispell at (406) 758-5433, the statewide Energy Share office at (888) 779-7589 or (406) 442-4900, or visit the CAPNM website or the Energy Share of Montana website.