In Your Bathroom
Twist the Tap: Don’t run water in the sink while shaving, brushing your teeth or lathering your face and hands.
Economize: Take shallow baths, shorter showers and consider bathing small children together.
Don’t Trash it: Avoid using the toilet as a wastebasket.
Buy carefully:
- Toilets: When purchasing a new toilet consider the options; like a water-saver or dual flush toilet. A cheaper toilet that uses more water may cost you more in the long term.
- Shower heads and Faucets: Low-flow shower heads and faucets are a great way to save water, up to 11% of your water use or 2,300 gallons a year (Based on EPA water sense). Faucet aerators on your bathroom faucets also reduce water flow, saving energy and water.
In Your Kitchen
Twist the Tap: Clean vegetables or rinse dishes in a pan of water, not under a running faucet.
Be smart quenching your thirst: Keep a bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator to avoid running the tap to get a glass of cool water. However, don’t linger with the refrigerator open!
Buy Carefully: Low flow faucets and the installation of faucet aerators will reduce the amount of water that goes down the drain.
Watering our landscaping is a normal part of life in the spring, summer, and fall. By taking a few simple steps you can use water more efficiently, increase your property value, and decrease your heating and cooling costs. Energy Savings through proper watering does not necessarily entail decreased watering.
It is important to work with someone who is trained in arboriculture to determine proper watering of the landscape at your home. In addition, these professionals will aid in proper placement of new trees and shrubs to provide decreases in heating and cooling consumption and the largest increase in property value.
Water Properly
Different plants types need different amounts of water and watering schedules. Pay special attention to the correct watering of your trees.
Use timers to ensure watering occurs for the proper amount of time.
Utilize different watering techniques (sprinklers, soaker hoses, etc) for the proper purpose.
Do not water what does not need water. Concrete and asphalt do not need water.
Reduce Water Requirements
Mulch plants generously to retain moisture in the root zone.
Focus on planting native or water-wise species in appropriate locations to bolster water and energy savings.