Get to know the people working for you. Meet Suzanne Childers, Compliance Administrator.

Meet Suzanne Childers
Compliance Administrator
Q. What does a Compliance Administrator do for the Co-op?
A. As the Co-op Compliance Administrator, I draft, review and maintain vendor contracts, procurement documents (for example, RFPs) and insurance liability limits; maintain Administrative and Board Policies; verify and administer records retention (preserve important documents); facilitate business process improvements and oversee and conduct internal compliance (payment security, internal audits, analyze potential risk).
Q. What’s the best part of your job?
A. I enjoy the diversity of what I get to do and the people I get to work with. I also love working with a group which embraces the 7 Cooperative Principles. We value our members (we are members as well!) and strive to always be mindful of these core principles and values in everything we do. Some of my favorite examples are scholarships, Roundup for Safety, cooperation among other cooperatives (great big team), and Capital Credit allocations.
Q. What’s your favorite thing about living in the Co-op’s service area?
A. I was raised here and am fortunate that my family lives here, as do many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. I love our sense of community: we rally together and support each other when needed. And I love the beauty of our mountains and lakes, and endless outdoor adventure opportunities, too!