The Roundup for Safety Board awarded $36,936 in community safety grants to nonprofit organizations at its December 8 meeting, including a $5,381 grant for communications batteries needed by Kootenai Winter Sports Ski Education Foundation to ensure safety at Turner Mountain Ski Area.

The Roundup for Safety Board awarded $36,936 in community safety grants to nonprofit organizations at its December 8 meeting, including a $5,381 grant for communications batteries needed by Kootenai Winter Sports Ski Education Foundation to ensure safety at Turner Mountain Ski Area. Turner Mountain plays a longstanding role in the Libby area community, offering locals and visitors alike a place to recreate at affordable prices during the long winters. Kootenai Winter Sports is the volunteer-run, non-profit 501(c)3 that ensures the mountain is operational each year.
Under its permit with the Forest Service, Kootenai Winter Sports is required to maintain two separate, unrelated systems for communication among stakeholders such as ski patrollers, lift operators, and emergency services providers. The systems both use rechargeable batteries, one set of which runs a radio communication system that covers the ski area on a local channel used for emergency response and lift operations management. The batteries also power the lift safety control system that connects the operator stations at the base, midway, and summit, and monitors the lift for safe operation and proper alignment. A combination of solar, wind, and a propane generator charges both sets of batteries.
In awarding funds, the Roundup for Safety Board noted the spirit of community and volunteer involvement at Turner – which opened in 1960 – and the need to ensure skier and first responder safety at the hill.
Other projects funded during the December meeting included:
- St. Matthew’s Catholic School – safety cameras — $3,140
- Cayuse Prairie School District – safety training — $2,915
- Friends of the Flathead Snowmobile Association – avalanche safety training — $8,500
- Whitefish Firefighters Association – safety apparel — $7,000
- Hungry Horse Volunteer Fire Department – turnout gear — $10,000
Roundup for Safety is a voluntary program for Flathead Electric Cooperative members who allow their electric bills to be rounded up to the next dollar, with the extra money going into a fund for community safety projects proposed by nonprofit organizations and considered by an independent board.
Since 1997, members of Flathead Electric Cooperative have rounded up their bills to a total of $4,588,136 in community safety project funding.
Roundup for Safety is a voluntary program for Co-op members who round up their electric bills to the next dollar. This money is managed by an independent board and goes into a fund for community safety projects.
If your nonprofit is interested in applying for community safety funds, visit our Roundup for Safety page or call the Roundup for Safety Board Liason: