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How long does it take to restore power after an outage?
It depends: Removing a branch from a power line is usually relatively simple and quick. Replacing a broken power pole or digging up buried cable to find and repair a fault is a much longer process. Outages can last from [...]

Commercial EV Charging

There are many reasons why you might be looking into an electric vehicle charger for your business’ location. You have many options, too: various types, sizes, and voltage levels offer different charging speeds for assorted electric vehicles. If you’re considering installing a commercial EV charger, we want you to call your Co-op first […]

Roundup for Safety Funds Orange Safety Vests for Hunter ED Grads
At a March 9 meeting, Flathead Electric Cooperative’s Roundup for Safety Directors awarded $30,539 to 7 area nonprofits, including Flathead Wildlife, Inc., a fish and wildlife sportsman group made up of men, women, and youth from the Flathead area.

Will we have another power outage? What can I do to prepare?
Yes. Outages are a reality of living in Northwest Montana. Your Co-op wants you to take time to make a plan for your situation. Some members have animals to care for. Others have children or health-compromised individuals depending on them. [...]

Why is there a sudden increase in my bill?
Several factors can cause your bill to be higher than normal: Winter: Heating your home or other buildings and plugging in vehicles at night use more energy. Summer: Air conditioning or are watering your lawn more often use more energy. [...]

Why must all owners and spouses sign the participation application and loan agreement?
Your Co-op's loan fund is a “fixed” pool of money. Because these loans are low-interest, each time there is loss due to default, bankruptcy, or foreclosure, that “fixed” pool is reduced by that amount. As listed owner of a property, you [...]