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Meet Ron Catlett — Key Member Advocate

Q. What does the Key Member Advocate do for the Co-op?

A. The Key Member Advocate serves as the liaison and primary point of contact to “key members.” I work to understand their individual energy needs and other political and cost-related issues that impact their ability to be successful. My job is to build relationships with the leadership of these “key members” and facilitate discussions with FEC about maximizing their energy efficiency and accomplishing their energy goals.

Q. What is the best part of your job?

A. The best part of my job is getting to see firsthand all of the interesting and different kinds of work being done by our key members. From learning how plywood is made to semiconductor chips to how ski lifts work, you learn about a lot of different industries and how they use electricity. I then get to apply that knowledge to help both the key member and the Co-op save money and energy.

Q. What’s your favorite part of living in the Co-op’s service area?

A. Kalispell is my hometown, so it’s meaningful to me to be able to put down roots and raise my own kids here, and contribute to the community. And, of course, the outdoor lifestyle is unbeatable. We have world-class hunting, fishing, hiking, skiing, and camping just out our front door.

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