KALISPELL, Montana – Flathead Electric Cooperative (FEC) is pleased to announce its upcoming exterior repair and painting project set to commence later this month. The decision to repaint the Co-op’s Kalispell headquarters at Highway 2 East in Evergreen comes as part of FEC’s ongoing commitment to preserve the Co-op’s infrastructure and facility.
“It has been over a decade since the stucco of our building received a fresh coat of paint, and we’re starting to see signs of wear and damage” remarked Amanda Opp, Integrated Services Manager at FEC. “As with any exterior surface, regular maintenance is essential to ensure its longevity. The exterior patching and painting project will allow us to make needed repairs and protect the building from weathering and other environmental factors that would lead to more costly problems in the future.”
Repair work and painting is expected to begin in mid-April. Community members and stakeholders can expect minimal disruption to services during the duration of the project.
While the decision to undertake this project is rooted in structural preservation, the Co-op is also capitalizing on the opportunity to align the color scheme with FEC’s branding strategy. FEC Community Relations Manager Katie Pfennigs emphasized the importance of color coordination in reinforcing brand identity.
“We are excited that our building will soon play a more significant role in shaping our brand’s visual identity,” Pfennigs explained. “By incorporating our brand colors into the building’s exterior, we create a cohesive and recognizable presence within our community.”
For more information about the project – and to see the REAL color scheme – click the button below. Your Co-op wishes you an enjoyable 1st of April.
April Fool! Yes, your Co-op really is kicking off an exterior repair and painting project later this month. No, your Co-op is NOT painting our building electric green (although we do love the color of our logo’s lightning bolt). We hope this made you chuckle today.