Energy savings achieved by the collaboration of FEC, Weyerhaeuser, and BPA saved enough to power about 93 average-energy-use homes per year, and also amounts to a $69,000/year savings on Weyerhaeuser's electric bill.

Did you know that your Co-op has an Energy Efficiency team that works with our largest members to help them save energy and money? When high consumers can use less energy, every member of the electric distribution system shares the benefits. That’s because the more energy the Co-op buys, the more expensive energy becomes, so when one member reduces energy consumption, every member wins.
Recently, the Energy Efficiency team worked with Weyerhaeuser’s Kalispell plant to slash its energy consumption by 1,381,850 kWh per year! These energy savings are enough to power about 93 average energy-use homes in our area each year. In addition, they represent an average savings of $69,000 per year on Weyerhaeuser’s electric bill.

After setting an initial goal of 2% energy savings, Weyerhaeuser, Flathead Electric Co-op, and the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) worked as a team to come up with ideas to double Weyerhaeuser’s goals. In the end, Weyerhaeuser achieved 4.24% in savings, in part through participation in BPA’s Strategic Energy Management program, which focuses on helping large members use energy more efficiently. Weyerhaeuser’s Kalispell and Columbia Falls plants each have an employee dedicated to energy savings efforts.
No matter how large or small your energy consumption is, Co-op members can save energy—and money—by adopting energy conservation habits and installing efficient appliances and heating systems in their homes.
In addition, the Co-op works with members to issue rebates for certain energy efficiency efforts. The Co-op reminds members that rebates must be applied for before beginning a project.
To learn more about residential and commercial energy efficiency efforts and opportunities, call us at 406-751-4483 and ask for Energy Services, or visit our Energy Efficiency and Rebate Programs page.