Cooperatives are goverened by you, the member.

Did you know that as a member of an autonomous, democratically controlled electric cooperative, you help to govern the cooperative’s actions? While the Montana Public Service Commission (PSC) regulates private, investor-owned utilities, publicly owned electric cooperatives are governed by their members (that’s you).

Flathead Electric Cooperative’s member-owners elect other members to represent them on the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the cooperative. State and federal law, the articles of incorporation or conversion, and the bylaws of the cooperative govern the board’s actions. An election is held each year.

Potential Trustee candidates must be natural persons, members of the Co-op, and maintain primary residence within the district they seek to represent. Nominating petitions are due March 6.

Please sign up to vote electronically to help your Co-op save paper and postage costs. If you haven’t previously opted out of your paper ballot, you’ll be entered to win one of ten $50 bill credits. The opt-out deadline is March 3.

Courtney Stone

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