Trustee Elections

Each year, three seats on Flathead Electric Cooperative’s (FEC)’s Board of Trustees come up for election.


Per Article VI, Section 3 of the FEC Bylaws, any person shall be eligible to become or remain a trustee who:

A. Is a member of the Cooperative and is not otherwise disqualified;

B. Maintains primary residence within the district they represent; and

C. Is a natural person.

Review the FEC District Map.


Per Article VI, Section 4 of the FEC Bylaws, a member shall not qualify for the office of trustee or shall become disqualified to serve as a trustee if:

A member shall not qualify for the office of trustee or an existing trustee shall become disqualified to serve as a trustee if:

A. The member has been an employee of the Cooperative for any length of time within the immediately preceding seven (7) years;

B. The member or trustee, including a member of their immediate family is, or becomes, an employee of the Cooperative;

C. The trustee fails to attend two (2) monthly meetings of the Board in a calendar year without approval of the Board;

D. The member or trustee has a conflict of interest which includes but is not limited to situations in which the member or trustee:

    1. Is employed by, is an agent of, or is an immediate family member of an employee or agent of the Cooperative;
    2. Is employed by or materially affiliated with any other Trustee;
    3. Regularly and directly competes with the Cooperative or any entity that the Cooperative controls or in which the Cooperative owns a majority interest;
    4. Owns an interest greater than 10% or holds a management position in a business wherein more than ten percent (10%) of the goods or services sold are sold to the Cooperative or one of its subsidiaries, or combination thereof.

E. The member or trustee has been declared incapacitated or of unsound mind by a final order of the court;

F. The member or trustee has been convicted of a felony;

G. The member has an immediate family member who is currently serving as a trustee.

Position Summary

Interested parties should carefully review the following FEC Board Policies to ensure they can meet the expectations of serving as an FEC Trustee:

FEC trustees must be willing and able to give the time to prepare for and attend monthly and other meetings of the Board; state, regional, and national association meetings; and trustee training and education. The following sample calendar outlines the typical annual commitments of a trustee. This list is not all-inclusive, but intended to give an idea of the schedule:

Each FEC trustee is expected to attain their Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate (CCD) within 18 months of being elected.

How to Run for Election

FEC announces the election process prior to the annual meeting each year (typically in January). Nominating petitions and election details are available at this time. A candidate for each vacancy shall notice their interest in the vacant or expiring position by submitting a nominating petition to the Co-op at least thirty (30) business days before the annual meeting  (typically held in April). Specific dates and deadlines are published with the notice of election each year.

  • Completed nominating petitions require original and dated signatures of not less than twenty-five (25) members who also live in the candidate’s district;
  • The submission process also requires a high-resolution photograph and the candidate’s biography (100 words or fewer) to be used on the ballot.

The Nominating committee shall review the petitions to determine that all signers are members and reside in said district and that the nominee is qualified to serve. Eligible candidates will be added to the ballot.

Nominating petitions can be requested after the election is noticed by contacting our Executive Assistant.

Selection Process

Candidates record a three-minute video speech available for viewing by the membership at the Annual Meeting (typically held in the spring) and during the voting period. The entire membership can vote for all candidates in all districts, regardless of where the voter resides.

Election information and ballots are sent to all members following the Annual Meeting.  To opt out of a mailed paper ballot and request an e-ballot, please call the Co-op at 406-751-4483 to update your voting preferences.