Are you ready for fire season?
Your Co-op manages vegetation year-round as part of our Wildfire Mitigation Plan.
Your Co-op manages vegetation year-round as part of our Wildfire Mitigation Plan.
Members regulate their democratically organized cooperatives by actively participating in setting policies and making decisions and by electing the Co-op's Board of Trustees.
Bonneville Power Administration’s Administrator and CEO and several other executives spent two days with your Co-op discussing strategies and system planning.
Photo calendar contest is open yearly from July 1 - August 31.
Energy savings achieved by the collaboration of FEC, Weyerhaeuser, and BPA saved enough to power about 93 average-energy-use homes per year, and also amounts to a $69,000/year savings on Weyerhaeuser's electric bill.
Will you be one of this year’s winners?
As summer days heat up, wildfire (and how expensive it is for utilities to insure against wildfire) is top of mind for us, along with dams, salmon, and the Columbia River Basin.