District #2 (Lower Valley, Somers, Lakeside, Creston, Rollins, and Cooke City)
Current Term: 2024-2027 | First elected in 2024
John Sliney was first elected to the Board of Trustees in 2024. John is self-employed as the owner of J&M Transfer, a trucking company established in 1999. He employs 21 people and serves customers in 3 states. John has been in business for over 30 years and focuses on his company’s finances, with an emphasis on short and long-term planning. John credits his grandfather and father with showing him the entrepreneurship hallmarks of hard work, common sense, smarts, and the willingness to try again. Raised in Rhode Island, John headed west in 2010 and moved to Lakeside in 2021. Inspired by his children and his wife’s deep civic involvement, John serves on the Board of Trustees to give back to the community of Lakeside.