Co-op truck in Cooke City

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Is there a time limit to sign a loan agreement once my application is approved?
Yes, bids have an expiration date and will require re-submittal once expired. In addition, delays of longer than 60 days may require a new credit check which could result based on new credit scores of changed eligibility. [...]

Can I buy my own transformer?
No. Even if you could find one, there are many different specifications for transformers, particularly regarding system voltages, and they’re not all compatible with our system. For the integrity of our system and the safety of our lineworkers and members, [...]


These photos are approved to represent Flathead Electric Cooperative for your media needs. Please credit all images to Flathead Electric Cooperative. Flathead Electric Cooperative’s Community Solar Phase I A Coop bucket truck waits in the pole yard to be dispatched. Coop transmission and distribution lines along West Reserve Drive in Kalispell. Coop RightofWay crews […]

Member Photo Calendar

Flathead Electric Cooperative produces an annual calendar featuring pho tos of our area taken by Coop members. Calendars are available for members at Coop offices each November. Photos submitted should depict wildlife, scenery, people, activities, or anything that represents our unique lifestyle and special corner of Northwest Montana. Members featured in the calendar receive […]

Report Damaged Electrical Equipment

Outages impacting your service should be reported by calling or texting OUT to 4067514449 or through your online account or mobile device. To report other damage to Flathead Electric Cooperative’s electrical equipment (poles, wires, transformers, etc.), text ISSUE to 4067514449 or use the form below. DANGER! Never touch, go near, or drive over downed […]

Overhead Line Extension Requirements

[…] line extensions to be installed underground; however, some instances warrant extending power overhead. Guidelines in this section must be followed. Any deviation from these requirements must be approved by FEC prior to construction. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the installation. Please contact FEC at (406) 7514483 and ask for […]

Roundup for Safety

Roundup for Safety is a community safety program sponsored by the Coop and voluntarily funded by members who “round up” their monthly electric bill to the nearest dollar. The extra money provides grant funds for locally based nonprofit safety projects. “Rounding up” only costs each member about $6 per year, yet it makes a […]

Article XIV: Merger or Consolidation with Another Cooperative
Section 1: Approval for Merging or Consolidating The Cooperative may merge or consolidate with any one or more cooperatives by complying with the following: The proposal for merger or consolidation shall have been approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of [...]

Insulation Upgrades

[…] Teri Get a loan to help pay for this upgrade: If you qualify, Flathead Electric will provide 3% fixed interest financing to help you upgrade! Find an Approved Installer To assure our members receive a quality installation with good customer service, we maintain a list of approved installers who have a good knowledge of […]

Article IX: Officers
Section 1 – Number of Officers Section 2 – Election and Term of Office Section 3 – Removal of Officers by Trustees Section 4 – Delegation of Duties Section 5 – President Section 6 – Vice President Section 7 – [...]