In late fall 2024, Flathead Electric Cooperative (FEC), Montana West Economic Development (MWED), and the Flathead National Forest (FNF) announced $10M in Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG) funding to help the communities of Columbia Falls, Coram, Hungry Horse, Martin City and West Glacier better mitigate their risk against wildfire. Collectively, these communities are referred to as the Glacier Gateway.
Approximately $3M of the $10M grant is earmarked to assist private landowners in performing wildfire mitigation forestry work. On February 18, the grantees will host an Open House at the Columbia Falls Junior High School. Representatives from each organization will be on hand from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. to answer questions about how to reduce the risk of wildfire on private property, create defensible space, and apply for grant funding. Properties must be in the Columbia Falls, Hungry Horse, Martin City, Coram, and West Glacier communities.
To learn more about the CWDG Open House, visit: https://www.flatheadelectric.com/calendar-events/community-wildfire-defense-grant-open-house/
To apply for a free assessment, visit MWED’s website: https://dobusinessinmontana.com/cwdg-application-form/