Ahead of the 2025 Montana State Legislature, Flathead Electric Cooperative recently hosted a breakfast for incoming state legislators and representatives from the Montana Congressional delegation.

“Challenging, but also exciting.” These words summed up the tone at Flathead Electric Cooperative’s Legislative Breakfast on November 20. Hosted every other year before the biannual Montana Legislative Session, the breakfast brings together state legislators from FEC’s service territory, congressional representatives, and Co-op trustees and staff for a conversation about energy and public policy impacting utilities.

Discussions were led by FEC CEO and General Manager Mark Johnson and the Montana Electric Cooperatives’ Association’s (MECA) Mark Lambrecht, Director of Government Affairs. Topics included policy priorities in the 2025 Montana legislative session. Both Johnson and Lambrecht emphasized ongoing concerns about resource adequacy. They also highlighted the value of partnership with policymakers to ensure the ability of electric cooperatives to provide affordable, reliable power.

“Montana co-ops face real challenges with the retirement of baseload generation,” Lambrecht said, stressing the need for measured, common-sense approaches to generation and transmission issues.

Given FEC’s reliance on the Bonneville Power Administration hydropower, Johnson highlighted the importance of protecting and strengthening the Federal Columbia River Power System and preventing dam breaching.

“One of our biggest opportunities is just protecting what we have,” Johnson remarked.

Lambrecht also discussed proposed wildfire liability protection legislation, which will be MECA and FEC’s number one priority in the upcoming legislative session. He emphasized that the growing danger of wildfires across the state and lawsuits targeting utilities put all cooperative members and utility ratepayers at risk.

Four state senators, seven state representatives, and representatives from U.S. Senator Steve Daines’ and U.S. Rep Ryan Zinke’s offices attended the breakfast this year, along with Jessica Matlock, CEO of the Pacific Northwest Generating Cooperative. Several legislators are newly elected and headed into their first legislative session. After breakfast, attendees mingled with FEC and MECA staff and trustees, asked questions, and made contacts.

“There’s really so much to learn,” said Representative-Elect Lyn Bennett, representing the communities of Whitefish and Columbia Falls. “This event is super helpful in understanding energy and utilities.”

To keep up with the 69th Montana Legislative Session from a utility perspective, join our Grassroots mailing list at flatheadelectric.com/grassroots.

Ron Catlett

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