Get to know the people working for you.

Meet John Sliney — Trustee (District #2 – Lower Valley, Somers, Lakeside, Creston, Rollins, and Cooke City)

Q. What does a member of the Board of Trustees do for the Co-op?

A. Trustees are Co-op members who govern the not-for-profit, member-owned electric cooperative. The Board meets regularly and participates in lengthy discussions characterized by critical thinking about the best ways to preserve our members’ access to affordable, reliable power. Trustees also devote a significant amount of time to education and learning everything we can about the opportunities and challenges of operating our cooperative’s electric system.

Q. What do you want members to know about those opportunities and challenges?

A. Members should understand that hydropower, which provides us with the bulk of our electricity, faces real threats. It’s critical to retain the hydro resources we have now and to understand the need for more generation sources going forward. With the way the valley is growing, we’re going to need all the power we can get.

Q. What’s your favorite thing about living in the Co-op’s service area? 

A. The opportunities for outdoor recreation here are outstanding. I’m a mountain biker and an avid road cyclist, and I am really enjoying exploring all the trails here.

Courtney Stone

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