Our Power Is Water

In Northwest Montana, water powers almost everything we do. When you toast a bagel, charge your phone, or throw a load of towels into the dryer, you’re asking Flathead Electric Cooperative’s electric distribution system for power. In our area, that electricity largely comes from the 31 hydroelectric dams on the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS), including Hungry Horse, Libby, Grand Coulee, Bonneville, the lower Snake River dams, and others. Over 82% of your Co-op’s electricity is produced by hydropower. The FCRPS is the key contributor to FEC’s 96% carbon-free power supply and is critical in keeping our electric rates affordable and our power supply reliable!
Raise a glass (of water) with your Co-op on August 19 to celebrate the remarkably reliable, affordable, and carbon-free generation capacities of the Federal Columbia River Power System. Its benefits to our area often go unnoticed, but they are well worth celebrating!