Your Co-op manages vegetation year-round as part of our Wildfire Mitigation Plan.

At your member-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperative, we perform vegetation management (i.e., tree trimming) around power lines every month of the year. We trim trees and plants around power lines to increase the reliability of your electricity (trees falling on lines typically cause power outages) and to reduce the risk of wildfire (trees making contact with lines might cause fires). This summer, you’re likely to see Flathead Electric Co-op crews (and contract crews) inspecting and maintaining our rights-of-way around overhead power lines. We look forward to working with members to keep our electricity as safe and reliable as possible.
In addition to trimming vegetation, your Co-op developed and maintains a Wildfire Mitigation Plan to protect our equipment, our members, and our communities. We encourage members to develop a wildfire plan, too. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of helpful links.