As a not-for-profit, member-owned utility, Flathead Electric Cooperative is always looking for affordable ways to improve the reliability and safety of the electric distribution system, while keeping rates as low as possible.  Recently, your Co-op has applied for several federal and state grants that will greatly assist with these goals. Grants help your Co-op to maintain and improve the system at little or no to cost to members, and to the benefit of all, whether directly impacted or not. Here’s a look at grants awarded and what they are doing in your community.


Community Wildfire Defense Grant (CWDG)

A shared grant with Montana West Economic Development and Flathead National Forest, this $10M grant provides funding to mitigate wildfire by funding much-needed vegetation management around power lines, both within the Cooperative’s right of way and for private landowners.


Community Affordability, Resilience, and Energy Decarbonization (CARED) Grant 

A $4.2M+ federal grant will provide Cooke City members with upgraded meters, vegetation management, and a battery energy storage system.


Wildfire Assessment and Resilience for Networks (WARN) Grant

This $2,611,779 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will enhance wildfire protection and resilience in the communities it serves by making critical upgrades to its electric system in the Essex area, including vegetation management around power lines and a utility-scale battery.


Community-Integrated Distributed Energy Resilience (CIDER) Initiative

CIDER is a $4 million project led by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) and funded by the Department of Energy (DOE). Amongst other initiatives like our recent energy survey, grant funding will provide a distributed energy resource management system (DERMS) and home energy optimization or “virtual battery” software.


Rural Energy Program for America (REAP)

The $495,535 grant will help fund the Co-op’s third community solar project, along with a $50,000 grant from the Bonneville Environmental Foundation (BEF).

Community Solar Phase III

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