Members may see inspectors on their property.

Your Co-op distributes electricity to over 58,000 members in a 3,038.56 square mile service area — about the size of Rhode Island and Delaware combined! Over 5,200 miles of underground and overhead lines carry that electricity. That’s enough line to stretch from Kalispell to Tokyo, or from coast to coast in the United States, and then back again.
About 2,000 miles of that line is overhead, supported by over 47,000 utility poles. An independent contractor inspects each pole on a 10-year cycle, meaning that about 4,700 poles are tested each year. Your Co-op works year-round to maintain our utility poles, wires, transformers, and accompanying equipment. This constant maintenance improves the safety and reliability of the electricity delivered to our members and mitigates wildfire potential.
This year, Western Line Inspection is focusing on poles located on the west side of Flathead Lake, down the Swan highway, and in the Cooke City area. Members may see the inspectors on their property in a truck or a side-by-side ATV. As always, if you have questions, give your not-for-profit, member-owned Co-op a call at 406-751-4483.